Summer of '99
Americanos Drum & Bugle Corps
Show: The Mask of Zorro Accomplishments: DCM Division II Champions, Canadian Open Brass Champions,
DCI Division II Finalists (4th place)
.1 away from top brass at Division II finals
Random shots from random photographers across the US.
The 1999 Americanos pit. L-R: Katie, Lacey, Chuck, Tim, Josh, Erin,
Adam, and nGozie.
Best brass - Canadian Open, 1999.
' Canos/Scouts brothers: Me & Matthew, Fourbears & Redcloud.
Winning the DCM championship, 1999. I'm over there on the right (with
redeye) with my hand on my forehead. "Wow."
The Jolesch photo of me, finals night, 1999.
The hornline during finals week.
Colleen, myself and Amanda after a Michigan show. They marched Phantom
Legion. Amanda also marched Spirit with me the following summer.
The '99 mellophones at finals retreat. From L-R: Redcloud, Eric, Katie
(section leader), me, Brooke and Amy.
True performance, Finals '99. ;-) What can I say, all of us Jasons
are gentlemen (right Jason?)...heheh
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